Supercharge your CX

24/7 customer support AI. Powered by your knowledge

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WiselyDesk helps your users find answers in seconds.

Time to find answer before WiselyDesk: ~80 seconds

Zendesk search

After WiselyDesk: 4 seconds

WiselyDesk search

Introducing WiselyDesk

A Smartie Pants

Knows your content better than you

WiselyDesk memorizes your entire knowledge base in seconds and can instantly answer questions.

Photo(text)graphic memory.
Memorizes your knowledge base. Just put your zendesk subdomain and WiselyDesk will become an expert on your content.
Happy to chat.
The hero your support team deserves. Answers the simple questions from knowledge base content while motivating the team to keep your content fresh.
Content Suggester (Coming Soon).
Agents can tag tickets or chats that contain new information. WiselyDesk summarizes it and suggests improvements to your existing content.

Demo conversation about refund policy for Georgia's Cookies

Refund Demo

A breeze to operate

A world of possibilites using latest AI technology

Use the latest and great technology to help your customers. Install by copy and pasting one file. Customizations (chat, responses, chatbot tone) available.

Easy installation.
Embed WiselyDesk in seconds. Simply copy and paste an iFrame/HTML into a custom page.
Refine WiselyDesk responses using your general tone and escalation behaviour.
Endless customizations.
A friendly full stack engineer with AI knowledge leads your launch. Customize your WiselyDesk platform to your liking.

Demo conversation with angry user and an escalation

Mad Customer

Frequently asked questions

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